This bill was introduced on February 11, 2016 by Senator Anthony Bucco. In summary, the bill requires stricter safety standards to be adopted for existing bleachers. The bill points out that each year, there are an average of 19,100 injuries directly attributable to falls or unsafe conditions associated with bleachers. Such injuries can occur when guardrails are missing or when large gaps exist between components in the seating.
The bill is intended for places of public accommodation (i.e. schools) containing bleachers to require upgrades of bleachers by “replacement or improvement as necessary.”
The bill discusses timing requirements and also notices that must be posted if Bleachers are not in compliance with the NJ Uniform Construction Code. Specifically, a notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on each bleacher, in 24-point bold faced capital letters, stating that the bleachers are not in compliance and are unsafe. The specific language is within the bill.
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